Laurence School

Laurence School
Laurence School

For over seven decades, Laurence School has been a beacon of academic distinction, recognized for its tailored educational methods and unwavering dedication to nurturing the "Total Child." The school champions both traditional academic pursuits and 21st-century learning aptitudes. Through its enriched curriculum, Laurence School ensures that every student's individual development is prioritized, equipping them for the modern world's challenges and opportunities.

Understanding the pivotal role of arts in comprehensive education, AV Planners partnered with Laurence School to elevate their Multipurpose Auditorium's acoustics. We integrated state-of-the-art QSC speakers, ensuring that the space is optimized for their performing arts classes. This technological enhancement ensures that every note, dialogue, and performance is delivered with unparalleled clarity and depth. With this upgrade, Laurence School fortifies its commitment to excellence, providing students with an enriched environment that promotes both academic and artistic growth.

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